Hokkaido Wolfpack «WP»
The Den of the Hokkaido Wolfpack—nestled along the shore of the Mists serves as a predators to whatever threatens the realm. More information later.... I promise lolz.


The Hokkaido Wolf Pack is a small group of daring souls, unified for various reasons and motivations. They organize hunting, leves, or missions for Dungeons, Primals, and other problematic creatures (or people) that may threaten the safety of those they deem to care about—or for a large sum of gil. Sometimes both! There are many types of characters within this pack of preditors and each has their own motives for being part of the group.More simply: We are a loyal, strong, and powerful pack that goes on missions and adventures together, cause you know.. We're a family?!.More information on this will be added later.. :P sorry

We’re a chill group of gamers ranging from ages ~18 to 45+ that play FFXIV in our spare time. We enjoy chatting in our Discord server, RPing, PvE, other games, and just being friends with one another.
Oh and by the way.. We are an LGBTQ+ friendly Free Company.More information will be added later.. (Coming Soon..)

Becoming an official member of the Hokkaido Wolf Pack is not required or assumed upon joining «WP». This can seem a little confusing at first, but it's quite simple.The pack itself is no secret, but it takes a little effort to get into, which requires new members of the FC to role-play! And there are plenty of opportunities to get started. Coming to one of our many social nights (where characters can go on a hunt with us to loosen up!) is the perfect way to introduce new characters to more established ones without needing a "good" reason to mingle. The tavern serves as a connection point for new characters to come in, get comfortable, and get to know some folks. Then, they can eventually go on adventures with them.We prefer this organic method of joining an adventure pack or group rather than a "forced" membership. Some characters lean more on the non-combatant side, so it may take a little longer for them to warm up to the idea. Or maybe they have trouble trusting others and aren't willing to risk themselves so easily. There are a lot of scenarios where a character might want to take their time and not jump right in to the mix, so we want to allow them that time to make the decision for themselves. It makes for good storytelling!Of course, if you want your character to be part of the group right away--that is also pretty easy! The de-facto "leader" of the Hokkaido Wolf Pack is a Miqo'te by the name of Kujiza Arufa. By speaking with him and communicating a decent level of interest in hunting and adventure, one can easily gain access to IC membership. There are a few other characters within the FC that would easily lead others to join if Kujiza isn't available.Once your character is a Hokkaido, they will get their own linkpearl and have access to bigger, dangerous, and lucrative jobs that cannot be handled alone.For clarification: you do need to be a member of the Hokkaido Wolf Pack «WP» Free Company for any of this to take place. This is the in-character process for joining, which is separate and after you join the FC OOCly. We do not allow people to join ether our Linkshell or our Discord without joining the FC properly. We are a New pack on the block, actively recruiting guild. Please ask if there are any specific questions about this aspect, but there are no exceptions.*Note: All information above is subject to change... bookmark/save it somewhere.Fun Fact- The Hokkaido wolf (Canis lupus hattai), also known as the Ezo wolf (Japanese: エゾオオカミ(蝦夷狼)ー, Hepburn: Ezo Ōkami) and in Russia as the Sakhalin wolf, is an extinct subspecies of gray wolf that once inhabited coastal north-east Asia. Its nearest relatives were the wolves of North America rather than Asia. It was exterminated in Hokkaido during the Meiji Restoration period, when American-style agricultural reforms incorporated the use of strychnine-laced baits to kill livestock predators. Some taxonomists believe that it survived up until 1945 on the island of Sakhalin. It was one of two subspecies that were once found in the Japanese archipelago, the other being the Japanese wolf.
The Den of the Hokkaido Wolf Pack Inn & Tavern..
(Coming Soon..)
Leader - Kujiza Arufa
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Discord ID:
Leader - Paranoia Origins#2292
We're New RP-FC so once we get a few members we mite make a social media like twitter or something later. (Coming Soon..)

Our Ranks & Their MeaningsAll ranks in the pack will contribute to the packs well-being and each pack member has a role to play. Almost every pack member has the respect of their higher ups, equals, and the ones looking up to them. Every pack member has responsibilities they must fulfill.Note: These are just information is just to give you an idea on each rank.The higher ranked of the pack have an air of dominance about them and may often display it.High RanksAlpha: ** The alpha of the pack is the leader. He is the main one in control and sets the laws of his pack. They are not required to hunt with the pack , but most normally do. They demand respect and are in the position to exile, banish, or even kill those who do not show it. Though it is rare, this position can be challenged and if the challenger wins the fight then the fight than the challenger, being the new alpha, can do what he/she places with the previous leaders. This does NOT normally happen because it would result in a HUGE! change within the pack.Beta: The Beta is the second in command and enforces the law when the current alpha is not present. If all of the alpha family die or in very special circumstances, then the beta(s) take the alpha position and lead the pack, unless the alpha has said otherwise. This position cannot be challenged without the alpha's approval.Sentinel: ** There are four sentinels, two mated pairs, in the pack. Each pair is specially chosen by the alphas and betas. The alphas and betas train the sentinels to take their places if anything should happen to them. The sentinels, since becoming one can start as early as one year, don't usually have authority over the pack unless the alpha or beta have publicly given it to them. They are respected though. Messing with a sentinel is messing with the alphas and betas themselves. This rank cannot be challenged whatsoeverElders/Gamma: The elders of the pack are sixty years and older. They are filled with wisdom and renowned strength. They are the ones the alpha normally go to for advice. If they are wise, the elders are the only one to whom the alphas may submit themselves to. They are respected as much as the alphas by the entire pack. Those holding this position are usually if not always the oldest and wisest of the pack. Through their stories and their phrases they pass on to the others within the pack their wisdoms. they delight in telling stories to pups though sometimes what they tell is just legend, but still each story usually has some sort of moral to it. At one time they may have been the Alpha and usually that is true. However the current Alphas may put others here should it seem right to them. There is usually only a dozen or so elders deemed worthy of thy Gamma position, and are given this title based on experience and knowledge gained. Those who hold this position are much respected and loved by the rest of the pack. Note: just because they have reached the age of sixty, doesn't mean they will become Elder, they must be selected by the alpha, Beta, or Epsilon. (Elders)Zeta: The war general of the pack. They take direct orders from the Alpha in case of a war. The Alpha may be the one to declare war, but the Zeta leads the army and plan the plans for war. They also train new recruits for position as a Eta and Eta or more to take his or her place in future. Normally there is only a single Zeta, but if the populace is high there can be as many as three. (War General)Epsilon: They are the Guardians of the pack. Their job is to ward off intruders and are responsible for the safety and well-being of the pack. They should have at one time been either an Zeta or Lead Warrior for they will need the skills of peace and fighting. Though they should only resort to violence should peace persuasion fail. (Guardian)sDelta- They are the messengers of the pack, they go between among the allies and sometimes even the axis. they risk their own lives by doing so. but it is their duty and must make sure that those who need to know are told. Often they work in conjunction with the Alpha, Beta, Sentinel, Gamma, and Epsilon and must be able to keep the peace and at the same time hold their ground. Those who seek this position must be agile, patient and have an even temperament while speaking with other packs. (Messengers of the pack)Assassin- This position is given only to a changer*. Assassin is the most fitting name for this rank because it is self-explanatory. They are also spies for the pack. there can be a total of ONLY four assassins in each pack, no matter the size.__Low Ranks__The lower ranked of the pack respect the higher ranked wolves and will ultimately submit themselves to the alphas and betas.Lead Warrior- The lead warrior takes his/her orders directly from the alpha, and sometimes the beta. They are the main leader, general, or captain of the warriors in the pack. There is ONLY one.Theta- They are the lead medics within the pack, they can work in a pack hospital or in the field during war or other, they are known to have a rival amount of knowledge. They help with childbirth(pups), and healing the pack in other ways. Respected as much as a Gamma if not a little less (Lead Medic)Warrior/Eta- The amount of warriors depends on the size of the pack. For a small pack there can be up to 50 and for much larger pack there can be up to 5000. They are the guardians and protectors of the pack. The warriors will roam the pack lands ensuring it's safety. They are the one that will keep watch at night. The warriors must be quick to think and remain calm in any given situation.Lead Hunter/Kappa- The lead hunter is the one who leads the hunts. There is ONLY one lead hunter. Whoever becomes a hunter must be quick to think as well.Hunters/Lambda- Like the warriors the amount of hunters depend on the size of the pack. Every member of the pack hunts, but these are the main hunters. they follow the Alpha, Beta, or Kappa in the hunts. Those who hold this position are loyal and quick to follow orders. They have stealth and agility on their side and together are able to take down larger prey.Lead Scout- The lead scout is the leader of the scouts.Scouts- The scouts are the scavengers of the pack. They will hunt small creatures and will help survey the land with the warriors.Sigma- The Sigma are the Tutors of the pack. They know much about each thing. they often work in order to teach the pups as well as the subordinates and others who mite need a bit more knowledge within the pack, and train pack members who are entering new ranks that they where not rained for before that. Respected like higher ranking wolves. (Tutors)Pup Watchers/Psi- These are the pup sitters of the pack. They will keep watch over the pups when the others may be out hunting or at battle. Don't be fooled into thinking that they are weak and soft. On the contrary the pup watchers cn be the most vicious members of the pack, as long as you don't mess with their pups. They only watch pups up until the age of 12. There is ONLY up to about 3 pup watchers in a pack regardless of the size.Subordinates/Psi: These are non-ranked members of the pack. They will still participate in fighting, hunting through. Often the majority of the female aspect of the pack or pack members that don't have jobs inside the pack.Omega- The omegas are the low in the pack, lower then the subordinates. Don't be surprised if they don't receive much respect if any at all. They are only placed in this position if they've done anything to disrespect the alpha. sometimes a new member may be placed with this rank if the alpha is a bit mistrustful of them.Pups- I'm pretty sure this is VERY self-explanatory.Changers/Sifters- Werewolf that can shift fully into a wolf, not all children born of werewolves will have the ability ot shift into full form, but nevertheless shall always have heightened hearing. strength and speed.

The Basics1.) Treat each other with respect. ** The golden rule applies everywhere. We should not have to list out everything that is disrespectful. Use your head, and you'll be fine.2.) Do not troll, spam, flame or get into any sort of controversial, political, or religious debates/discussions in any public FC channel. There are other chats/forums for that talk, or you may discuss it in private.3.) When representing the FC in game, please try to set a good example. Do not be rude to PUG groups, crash other FC's or public event roleplay inappropriately, or be a general nuisance in game. If an officer hears of this kind of behaviour from any of our members, be aware that it will be immediately addressed.4.) Hokkaido Wolf Pack «WP» is respective of all types of people, including those of differing sexual orientations, gender identities, religious views, and other assorted sensitive issues. If you can only refer to things as "gay" or compare poor raid runs to being "raped", you will not find a home here.5.) As implied above, we are an LGBTQ+ friendly FC. Please do not refer to people as "traps", "transvestites" or any other out-dated slang/offensive term for any member of the LGBTQ+ community.6.) We are an 18+ guild only. No exceptions.__Free Company Rules__1.) In game, new members with the "PSI (a.k.a. Subordinate)" rank should not buy a room in the FC house until they are made a "Hokkaido Pack Member." Thank you for your cooperation.2.) Do not beg for gil or game items.3.) Do not attempt to sell items to members. If you want to sell something for gil, use the market board for its intended purpose.4.) We are an adult guild, so swearing is allowed in all channels. However, we are also friends, so if someone is sensitive to a certain word, please be respectful.5.) While no one is perfect, please try to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It makes a difference, especially during roleplay. Folks that do not follow this usually have a difficult time finding roleplay with us, in most cases.6.) In game FC Chat is for OOC talk. Discord channels are all labeled for their uses.7.) Do not spam images, videos, or memes in Discord. Linking an occasional video or whatnot is just fine! But spamming is never fine.8.) Keep ALL pornographic/lewd/NSFW content in the #nsfw channel. Also, obey all rules within said channel. It's not a free-for-all and some kinks are meant to be shamed.NOTE: Do not post ANY pornographic/lewd/NSFW content of Lalafell or any child-like/diminutive fantasy race. According to Discord devs they are considered minors, and our server would risk deletion.9.) Absolutely do not post, link, or talk about spoilers for FFXIV, any other games, or movies. Please, be considerate of your FC mates. Spoilers are literally the worst.__Character Rules__1.) Standard unwritten roleplay rules are in practice here. No godmodding, killing or severely injuring another character without player consent, etc. If you have a question about something going on in RP, do not hesitate to ask either in FC chat or privately.2.) Do not assume another character's participation in your plot or event without OOC communication first. If something drastic is likely going to happen to another character in your roleplay, please give the player as much OOC heads up as you can. Better to spoil the story than to sour a friendship!3.) We are an FC that abides within the parameters of the FFXIV universe and its lore. Logical head-canon is welcome and very accepted, but blatant outliers that are not supported at all by this game's lore (ex: vampires, werewolves, angels/demons, cyborgs, androids) cannot find a home in this FC. This rule includes alts. If you have a question, ask!4.) Having multiple RP linkshells and/or FCs on alts is allowed, of course. However, please make sure you have ample time to devote to your character within this FC.5.) All characters must be listed on the FC document. Officers like to and need to know who is who so everything stays organized. Please keep this information up to date; unlisted characters risk removal from the FC in game.__Event Rules**__1.) Participation in events, whether RP or dungeons or otherwise, is highly recommended. There is no quota that you have to meet on a weekly or monthly basis or anything like that. But, as a guild and your friends, we want to see you around!2.) FC events can take place both in game and Discord Channels. If you wish to participate with the FC fully, having those two options available is essential. Contact an officer if you have questions.3.) Check the #announcements channel, #events and/or the FC Calendar when inquiring about events/dungeons/happenings in the FC before asking! The officers work very hard to be transparent and informative by posting these things so members can easily find what they need at any given time. Please use them and stay informed!These rules are subject to change at any time. Please ask an ANY high ranking pack member if you have questions.
Hokkaido Wolf Pack «WP» Application
Once you submit an application, please allow at least 36 hours for officers to respond. Thank you!The name and photo associated with your Google account will be recorded when you upload files and submit this form.If this doesn't work please inform Kujiza Arufa in-game ffxiv!
Email address